This product is a chocolate-coated crispy sand sold under the Korean brand Lotte.
The popped cake used in this product is a 68mm round cake made of rice, and the model used to make this cake is the SYP6804 model.
Video of popped crispy snack
Described the product packaging and product of popped crispy sand.
Specification of SYP6804 popped cake machine
The SYP6804 model is a model that produces a 68mm round rice cake or chip. This model can produce 1,440-1,800 pcs of rice cake per hour. Chocolate coated on the surface is popular products.
When making chocolate coated cake using chocolate, the system is composed as below.
Popular sizes of popped cakes with chocolate coated
Chocolate coated products are made using round or square popped cakes. Products that lightly coat chocolate in stripes on the surface use 25/30/35mm round popped cakes, and products that completely coat chocolate on the surface use 60~90mm round or square popped cakes. Size of cake Round shape: 25 ~ 90mm Square or Rectangle: 60x60 / 80x80 / 70x90mm
Rice Popper Models of Popular sizes
SYP2515 25mm round Rice Popper
SYP3012 30mm round Rice Popper
SYP3508 35mm round Rice Popper
SYP4006 40mm round Rice Popper
SYP4506 45mm round Rice Popper
SYP5004 50mm round Rice Popper
SYP6004 60mm round Rice Popper
SYP6504 65mm round Rice Popper
SYP6804 68mm round Rice Popper
SYP6060S4 60x60 square Rice Popper
SYP8080S2 80x80 square Rice Popper
SYP9070S2 90x70 ractangle Rice Popper
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